
Austin Citizens for Personal Rapid Transit was founded in Austin, TX. in October 2000 by Mike Conwell and Chris Burr.
ACPRT is not affiliated with the Minneapolis based Citizens for Personal Rapid Transit, though their encouragement and help have been greatly appreciated.

Many of the figures, statistics, and assumptions used this site are based upon the work of Dr. J. Edward Anderson and the Taxi 2000 corporation’s Taxi2000 concept. The Taxi2000 proposal is used because it (in ACPRT’s opinion) represents the best designed, detailed and thought out proposal of the PRT concept available to the public. See the links page for links to detailed information on this PRT concept as well as other useful information. If you feel we have mis-qouted, mis-judged, or misused some information, feel free to let us know using the email link at the bottom right.

The opinions expressed in this site are solely those of Austin Citizens for Personal Rapid Transit.